
Laan van Chartroise 170
The Netherlands

T +31 (0)30 244 3101

VAT NL8197 31 663 B01
IBAN NL62 TRIO 0784 9435 83

RedAnt provides creative, well-developed business software and intelligent internet applications. We believe in flexible technology: software applications that adapt to the situation they are applied to. To us, not the technology, but the end user is leading.

We’re the leading provider of add-on products for Mamut Business Software in Western Europe, with our M-Port product awarded by Mamut as the best software product that works with Mamut.

Our philosophy: the best solutions consist of basic, yet customizable, building blocks. The main advantage is that they can be completely tested, matured, and acknowledged by daily business life. By making smart combinations and fine-grained tweaking possibilities, these building blocks can be deployed as flexible technology. With these solutions, we support companies in determining the optimal allocation of ICT.

And finally, no ant is an island. Therefore, we donate 1% of our turnover to charitable causes that strive to create a better world. Currently: The Ocean Cleanup.

Please click on one of our products to the right to download its product fact sheet PDF. Or, alternatively, please contact us using the details below.